What is the web-2-print sweetspot?
When discussing with prospective users the upper limitations of web-2-print, we’re always keen to point them towards the area that will generate the most orders – what we call the web-2-print sweetspot.
So what is this sweetspot?
Most clients will only switch to web-2-print if there is a tangible benefit, such as saving money.
But in doing so the client knows that they have to take more responsibility for the job, such as proofing errors.
This means that the rewards of using web-2-print for the client must outweigh the risks.
The ‘risk’ can be broken down into two elements: order value and the complexity of the ordering/editing process.
Order Value
If a low order value job, say under £25, is unusable (due to a client error), this isn’t desirable – but not catastrophic. However, as the value of the order increases, the implications of an unusable job become more severe. So as the order value increases, there is a distinct decline in the number of orders.
At the simplest end of the scale is fulfillment, as no editing is involved.
It starts to get more complex with editable templates, and increases as the pagination and number of editable elements increase, which can appear daunting for the end client.

For example, high pagination templates (high complexity) may be unsuitable for web-2-print when the order value is high. But if the order value is low, the same high complexity order could succeed via web-2-print.
Therefore, the web-2-print sweetspot is low order value coupled with low to medium complexity from the client’s perspective. Establish the sweetspot and build from there.